- Wasabi (card game - make sushi by Joshua Cappel and Adam Gertzbein)
- Bohnanza (card game about bean farming by Uwe Rosenberg)
- Coloretto (card game by Michael Schacht)
- Ticket to Ride (dice expansion)
- Citadels (card game about medieval cities, nobles and intrigue - by Bruno Faidutti)
- Grave Robbers from Outer Space (card game based on b-movies)
- Lunch Money (card game - girl grade school students beat each other up for ...)
- No Thanks (card game where you want to get the lowest number of points - by Thorsten Gimmler)
- Zap Bam Pow (card game)
- Road Race (dice game (we may just use the dice in other games but we'll try this one first)
- Phase 10 (card game)
- Frog Juice (card game about spells and concotions)
- Slamwich (card game)
- Monkeyes on the moon (card game, strategy about developing the monkey civilization by Jim Doherty)
- MMMM...Brains (dice game by Reiner Knizia)
- Pink Godzilla Dev Kit (cards
This blog serves as a place to talk about my experiences playing new-to-me videogames and hanging out in SecondLife. It might encourage others to try playing games and spending time in virtual worlds.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I may have a game buying addiction
Image by kgregson via Flickr bought some more game for the game design program - mostly card games because they have some interesting gameplay mechanics and rules. And remember I've said you can make a game about anything - check out these topics - zombies, sushi, sammich making, bean farming, school politics, medieval politics.... And I bought most of them locally (in Binghamton) at Jupiter Games. Here's a link to their website and to a yelp page with a map. The store has game nights on Friday that would be worth going to. They regularly attract about 30 players. They have a big collection of games open to play. And people seemed open to teaching games to newbies (for folks from Intro to Games & Society - they have Race to the Galaxy and know how to play it! And like playing it!!!)
Image from Coloretto via WikipediaHere's what I bought over break.
Image via Wikipedia
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